Maricopa County Republican Committee Chair Mickie Niland Refuses to Sign General Election Logic and Accuracy Test

Mickie Niland, chairwoman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, stated Tuesday she would not be signing the Post-Election Logic and Accuracy test results of the 2022 general election because she says the test is inadequate.

“I would like a more comprehensive test. I feel the on demand printers, which are now an integral part of the vote center model, need to be part of any accuracy test,” tweeted Niland.

The Arizona Sun Times reached out to Niland and Maricopa County for additional comments but did not hear back.

The Maricopa County post-election test occurred on November 18th and would use the same methods as the pre-test conducted in October. The county compares the results of both tests to determine if the tabulation equipment is correctly counting the ballots.

Niland explained that she is a Republican observer and partook in the Pre-Election Logic and Accuracy test, which she said took over 10 hours to complete. The time length resulted from problems stemming from Accessible Voting Equipment, which were eventually solved. According to Niland, voting center tabulation machines were also tested and showed no issues counting premade test ballots. However, the on-site printers did not receive the same treatment and were not tested alongside the tabulators.

“To me anything less than a test of ALL the equipment is incomplete and does not logically or accurately test the process this equipment will be put through on Election Day,” said Niland.

Aside from the printers not getting proper testing, Niland also mentioned that she wanted to see better training provided to poll workers, better stocking at satellite supply hubs, and more “troubleshooters” available for when technical issues occur.

Ultimately, Niland stated that as they are now, the Logic and Accuracy tests are “largely obligatory” rather than a comprehensive assessment. She also argued that had better tests been conducted before the election, the county would not have experienced the printer issues it did on Election Day.

According to AZ Central, the state and county conduct these tests before and after Election Day to ensure equipment is tallying votes accurately. Megan Gilbertson, the Maricopa County Elections Department spokesperson, confirmed that Niland had signed the pre-test. Reportedly, Niland’s refusal to sign the newest test will not halt the election certification process.

As reported by The Sun Times, Niland’s announcement came the same day she co-wrote a letter to Maricopa County with Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP) Chairwoman, Dr. Kelli Ward, demanding answers for several shortcomings seen in the county on Election Day.

Moreover, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors also received a subpoena from the Arizona Senate Tuesday. State Sen. Kelly Townsend (R-Mesa) issued the subpoena to provide transparency in the election process. The document requested several things of the board, including a list of everyone who had access to tabulation machines 72 hours before the election, the number of technicians hired by the county, and all communications between the county and the Secretary of State’s Office, the day of, before, and after the election.

Townsend requested all materials be provided by the morning of Monday.

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Neil Jones is a reporter for The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Neil on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mickie Niland” by Maricopa GOP. Background Photo “Arizona Capitol” by Wars. CC BY-SA 3.0.




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